OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Guide


4.7 Responses to the occurrence of deadlocks

OpenTP1 UAPs run in parallel while sharing resources with other UAPs. Each UAP locks resources so that there will be inconsistencies in changes to resources. However, if two or more UAPs attempt to acquire two or more resources in different sequences, they could stay inactive while waiting until each other's resource is freed. This condition is referred to as a deadlock.

In addition, if two or more UAPs attempt to access different resource managers (RMs), a deadlock could occur because file service lock control and TAM file service lock control influence each other. This section explains what is to be noted for avoiding deadlocks and also discusses OpenTP1 responses to deadlocks.

Organization of this section
4.7.1 Notes for avoiding deadlocks
4.7.2 OpenTP1 responses to deadlocks