OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Guide


2.12 Real-time statistical information acquisition

The execution time and the execution count in an arbitrary section in the UAP can be acquired as real-time statistical information. Note that real-time statistical information for arbitrary sections cannot be acquired if the target UAP performs offline processing.

To acquire real-time statistical information in an arbitrary section, call the function dc_rts_utrace_put() [CBLDCRTS('RTSPUT ')] from the UAP.

Specify the item to be acquired in event_id and the action related to acquisition in flags. The table below lists the actions that can be specified with flags.

Table 2-4 Specifying the flags argument to the function dc_rts_utrace_put()

flags value Acquisition-related action
DCRTS_START Start execution time measurement.
DCRTS_END Acquire the execution time and end measurement.
DCNOFLAGS Acquire only the execution count.

The execution count and the execution time acquired by the function dc_rts_utrace_put() are edited and output as real-time statistical information for the item ID assigned to event_id.

The figure below provides an example of acquiring real-time statistical information for arbitrary sections.

Figure 2-58 Example of acquiring real-time statistical information in arbitrary sections


  1. Start execution time measurement for item ID 1.
  2. Start execution time measurement for item ID 2.
  3. End execution time measurement for item ID 1 and acquire statistical information (the execution time and the execution count) in the RTS service shared memory area.
  4. End execution time measurement for item ID 2 and acquire statistical information (the execution time and the execution count) in the RTS service shared memory area.