OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Guide


2.10 Client/server mode communication using OSI TP

TCP/IP and OSI TP can be used as communication protocols for OpenTP1 client/server mode communication. This section outlines communication using OSI TP as the communication protocol. This communication requires TP1/NET/Library, TP1/NET/OSI-TP-Extended, and products for managing communication under OSI TP. In addition, an OpenTP1 system service (XATMI communication service) is necessary.

Client/server mode communication using OSI TP as the communication protocol is possible only when the basic facility of the OpenTP1 is the TP1/Server Base. If the TP1/LiNK is used, OSI TP communication is impossible.

The figure below shows the concept of client/server mode communication using OSI TP.

Figure 2-56 Concept of client/server mode communication using OSI TP


Organization of this section
2.10.1 Application programs used for OSI TP communication
2.10.2 SPPs for a communication event
2.10.3 Errors encountered during OSI TP communication