OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Guide


2.7 User journal acquisition

Any information from UAPs can be output to system journal files as user journals (UJs). A user journal can be acquired by using the function dc_jnl_ujput() [CBLDCJNL('UJPUT ')].

A user journal acquisition facility can be used only with TP1/Server Base. No user journal can be acquired by a UAP with TP1/LiNK.

Units in which user journals are acquired by using the function dc_jnl_ujput() are called UJ records. When the function dc_jnl_ujput() is called once, one UJ record is acquired.

You can acquire a UJ record either outside or inside the range of a transaction. A UJ record that is acquired outside the range of a transaction is called a UJ from outside the transaction. A UJ record that is acquired inside the range of a transaction is called a UJ from inside the transaction. A UJ record that is outside the transaction is output to the system journal file when the journal buffer becomes full or when a transaction of another application terminates normally (when the transaction processing is committed).

To acquire the UJ record using an application that does not generate transactions, call the function dc_jnl_ujput() in which DCJNL_FLUSH is set for flags at the appropriate timing.

The figure below shows acquisition of user journals.

Figure 2-53 Acquiring user journals


If an error occurs in the transaction that called the function dc_jnl_ujput(), user journal acquisition processing cannot be invalidated by executing rollback processing. Even if the UAP process that called this function is recovered partially, the UJ record is output to the system journal file.