OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Guide


2.1.18 Service request with domain qualification

When a service is requested, OpenTP1 searches the entire network constituting the system for the communication partner. Therefore, as the network becomes larger, scheduling the service request takes more time. In order to resolve this problem, the network can be divided into DNS domains for requesting a service. When a service is requested within a domain, OpenTP1 searches the domain for the partner, and the performance on scheduling is improved.

Specify the service group name, an argument of the function dc_rpc_call(), suffixed by the DNS domain name for domain qualification. For service requests with domain qualification, see the description on the function dc_rpc_call() in the applicable OpenTP1 Programming Reference manual.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Prerequisites for requesting a service with domain qualification
(2) Restrictions on requesting a service with domain qualification

(1) Prerequisites for requesting a service with domain qualification

Prerequisites for requesting a service with domain qualification are as follows:

  1. The name of the host on which the domain-alternate schedule service is to be activated must be registered to the DNS with the namdomainsetup command.
  2. The port number of the domain-alternate schedule service must be specified in the scd_port operand of the schedule service definition of the OpenTP1 which activates the domain-alternate schedule service.
  3. The port number of the domain-alternate schedule service specified above must be registered in /etc/services of the host on which OpenTP1 that requests a service with domain qualification is to be activated.

(2) Restrictions on requesting a service with domain qualification

Restrictions on requesting a service with domain qualification are as follows:

  1. A service request with domain qualification can be addressed only to a queue-receiving server, rather than a server that receives requests from socket.
  2. Even if a service is requested from a transaction, the requested service processing is not treated as a transaction branch.

The figure below shows the outline of service request with domain qualification.

Figure 2-17 Outline of service request with domain qualification
